2018-03-31 14:50:17

The performance index of wet magnetic separator is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Generally speaking, the diameter of the magnetic separator is small and high speed, and vice versa. The speed of the magnetic separator has great influence on the processing capacity: high speed processing capacity, low speed and low processing capacity. It has certain effect on the quality of concentrate. High speed magnetic separator in operation, the speed is faster, smaller magnetic even had body and less chance of gangue, only the higher magnetic mineral grains may come up, therefore concentrate quality is higher; On the contrary, the speed is low and the speed is relatively slow. Due to the magnetic induction, there is a chance to select the ore particles with weaker magnetic properties, which will affect the quality of the concentrate. The impact of the work: if the gap is too big, can only make the magnetic particles pick up stronger, less choose not came up, although increased concentrate grade, but has also increased the tailings grade, reduced the recovery rate. So it's important to adjust the gap. The clearance can be adjusted by a gasket under the bracket Angle.

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