2017-11-16 15:01:17

The Routine Maintenance Rules For Wet Type Magnetic Roller

In the application of wet selection process, it is an essential work for the routine maintenance of the water separator , which not only relates to the quality of the beneficiation results, but also relates to the fundamental interests of the beneficiation plant and magnetic separation Machine equipment to make life. Today we are going to share the routine maintenance of water separator selection rules:

First, pay attention to check the water magnetic separator, keep the replacement of worn parts;It must be kept clean where puting the movable device chassis plane. Second, if the wet magnetic separator bearing temperature is too high, we must immediately stop the car to check the reasons and to eliminate, do not continue to work. Third, the rotating gear in operation if it has the impact of sound or other abnormal sound need to immediately stop inspection, and to be eliminated. Fourth, for the new installation of wet magnetic separator ,we need to do a good job of fastening and fixed, so as to avoid loosening. Fifth, we need to have keep an maintain a good working condition magnetic separator for easy to loose parts of the magnetic separator fastening..

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